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Mia's Musings about Feng Shui, design, and life in general

Monday, July 5, 2010

Kindness and Prosperity

As all Feng Shui practitioners know, some of the most commonly requested cures are those which enhance the prosperity of our clients. Everyone wants prosperity. Money makes the world go round and most of us don't think we will ever have enough to buy, or to do all of the things that we want in life.

As the world consciousness is shifting though many of us also realize that abundance, like any other physical reality, is first a state of mind. The universe is in a constant state of yin and yang, a state which Walter Russel called 'Rhythmic Balanced Interchange'. What we put out there (yang), comes back to us (yin) in a non judgmental and perfectly balanced way.

So before we look to change our prosperity only through Feng Shui adjustments in our environment we must remember that this is only 1/3 of the equation. Our destiny and our actions make up the other 2/3 of the formula. We may have little control over our destiny but our actions are completely within our reach. Professor Lin Yun has advised all of his students that the key to prosperity is kindness. If we want to change the world economic situation his most sincere instruction is to encourage each person to do one good deed per day.

While it is easy to see the nobility in such an act, many will have difficulty understanding how this can contribute anything real to an economic situation. However, when we understand Rhythmic Balanced Interchange it becomes plausible that a simple act of kindness can make an impact. When one does something good, solely for the benefit of another, the reality is that both benefit. When many do something good, many benefit. If we would all just do one small deed in service to another we all benefit.

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