I recently had the pleasure of traveling to Santa Rosa, California to meet for 5 days with a group of people who all mentor with BTB Feng Shui expert
Katherine Metz. We came together with the common goal of bringing Feng Shui to a family who was building a home with the help of Habitat for Humanity. 12 people were to create a singular vision for a bedroom, on a
very tight budget (think second had stores and donations), using Feng Shui principles.
Our Inspiration photo - source Pinterest |
It was a wonderful experience which reinforced many lessons for me. I'd like to share some of them.
- No virtual world can come close to the real world. Meeting people in person adds a tangible quality to your relationship which simply cannot be created over the internet. Wherever possible, connect in person.
- Flexible chi is essential, especially when working in groups. Being able to go with the flow is a valuable quality. Letting go of your own needs and ideas is essential to work toward a common goal.
- Having said that, recognize your own strengths and be sure to speak up when you are absolutely certain that you have something of value to add. Don't let the brilliance of others dim your own special and unique light.
- Step out of your comfort zone. Although having a design background gave me an advantage in this particular project, many needed to step up and try something that they were not as familiar with. The results were amazing!
Our finished bed. Creating a strong foundation for this couple. |
- Feng Shui really can be implemented in a space in a beautiful and subtle way. We included about specific 5 Feng Shui cures in this room and I doubt that most people would know that it was a part of the design.
- Color is beautiful. Neutrals are king in the design world but color is powerful and beautiful. It is an under-utilized Feng Shui tool.
Re-purposed furniture and a custom artwork |
- Ceremony is essential. Taking a few moments to be in gratitude, to be open and to celebrate what is right and what is possible can make all the difference.
- Each of us plays a part. Some of us designed, some sewed, some painted, some created art, some fixed things and some did whatever they were asked to do. Every single person on this planet plays an important role. We create beauty and solve problems when we combine our talents to work together.
- You need just a touch of male energy when you have a group of females. The balance is helpful.
- Kindness is easy and it is fun. There are so many wonderful groups of people who come together every day to do nice things for others. If you have the time, find one and join them, you won't be sorry!